we are nervous!
we are nervous!
* background: rené magritte - the curse [c.1963].
* swans: film @náplavka.
this is one of the first ever photos i've taken on my hasselblad!
original is filled with light leaks lol
* eye of nová scéna: photo on film @národní divadlo, eyeball is modeled on blender.
this sculpture at the theatre entrance is one of my favorite things in prague.
* swallowtails: digital picture @botanická zahrada fata morgana greenhouse.
the best place to be in spring. if you have the chance, go there to see the butterflies and then get řízek at pod fatou.
* font: smalle by memesbruh03
* nervous trees: krištof kintera @galerie rudolfinum [2017]
digital photo by yours truly. this exhibition changed the trajectory of my life.